With encouragement, more joy in class

Increase in willingness to learn and quality of life through encouragement

Objective: To learn self and student encouragement according to the Schoenaker concept and to get to know practical examples for use in the classroom.
Content: Failures in exams, problems in the parental home, conflicts within the class association up to bullying are factors that set in motion a cycle of discouragement that more and more often causes students to fail. The love and care that we receive as children and adolescents are a lifelong protection factor, even if the YES of the environment does not appear later. The encouragement pedagogy of individual psychology conveys very practical concepts so that work at school can be filled with joy again. Encouragement helps by strengthening self-esteem in a variety of waysFinding creative solutions that are acceptable to everyone involved. People who have been encouraged have a strong sense of community and are ready to work with others.

The costs for teacher training can be requested from the teacher training college in the respective country, in Styria possibly also from Styria Vitalis Healthy School.
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