Encouraging® trainers training ADI
The individual psychological training is a preventive concept that conveys a decisive change of perspective: away from error orientation, towards concentration on your own strengths. During the training, the participants practice changed thinking and behavior patterns. They learn to accept themselves better and to make their social relationships more constructive. Encouragement work in the group plays an important role.
As an individual psychological trainer, you support others in discovering and developing their inner potential. They accompany people who want to give their life more depth and quality overall, who want to find new answers to old questions in special areas of life - for example in partnership, family or work.
You have to live what you want to teach. That is why this training also requires the willingness to deal intensively with oneself. The self-experience components are part of the two intensive seminars.
After successful training, you will receive the certificate on the final specialist day "Individual psychological trainer ADI®".

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